Bottle CloseUp 4StartTime "Author" "SandsOfTime" enterPage enterPage Author SandsOfTime StartTime W 6 D Bottle NONE "Wait" "Title" "Cpyr" "Stander 2" TRUE "Smoke 5" FALSE "Alladin" "Water Source" 3800,1628 "Geni" "Scrol" buttonUp buttonUp Title Stander 2 Smoke 5 Stander 2 Stander 2 Smoke 5 Stander 2 Alladin Water Source Alladin Water Source Alladin Water Source Alladin Water Source Alladin Water Source Smoke Water Source Water Source Smoke 1 Smoke 2 Smoke 3 Scrol Scrol Smoke 3 Smoke 2 Smoke 1 B ` $ A Escher Room Right Wall Left Wall "Wait" "Author" "Left Curtain" 441,90,3930,4795 "Right 3900,75,7515,4825 FALSE HintForThisPage "Look behind the curtain." 4StartTime "Reader" >1800 "The Sands Of 1 have out...Please visit "Title }location >5800 sysSuspendMessages "Genie Room" HintForThisPage enterPage buttonUp enterPage Author Left Curtain Right Curtain HintForThisPage Look behind the curtain. Reader The Sands Of Time have run out...Please visit again. Title Page StartTime buttonUp Genie Room location MAGIC TAPESTRY "To be continued chapter 2 the Bottle." buttonUp buttonUp To be continued in chapter 2 of the Bottle. Left Curtain 4LCurtPos "Wait" "Closed" "Left Curtain" 441,90,3100,4795 441,90,2200,4795 441,90,1300,4795 "Open" 441,90,2200,4795 441,90,3100,4795 441,90,3930,4795 441,90,3100,4795 441,90,2200,4795 441,90,1300,4795 buttonUp buttonUp Closed Left Curtain Left Curtain Left Curtain Left Curtain Left Curtain Left Curtain Closed Left Curtain Left Curtain Left Curtain LCurtPos Right Curtain 4RCurtPos "Wait" "Closed" "Right Curtain" 4700,75,7515,4825 5600,75,7515,4825 6500,75,7515,4825 "Open" 5600,75,7515,4825 4700,75,7515,4825 3900,75,7515,4825 4700,75,7515,4825 5600,75,7515,4825 6500,75,7515,4825 buttonUp buttonUp Closed Right Curtain Right Curtain Right Curtain Right Curtain Right Curtain Right Curtain Closed Right Curtain Right Curtain Right Curtain RCurtPos Escher Room "Wait" "Author" HintForThisPage "I don't know which way up, either." "Pick a door, 4StartTime "Reader" >1800 "The Sands Of 1 have out...Please visit "Title terPage HintForThisPage enterPage enterPage Author HintForThisPage I don't know which way is up, either. Pick a door, any door. Reader The Sands Of Time have run out...Please visit again. Title Page StartTime "Wait" RandomPage buttonUp buttonUp RandomPage "Wait" RandomPage buttonUp buttonUp RandomPage "Wait" RandomPage buttonUp buttonUp RandomPage "Wait" RandomPage buttonUp buttonUp RandomPage "Wait" RandomPage buttonUp buttonUp RandomPage ) f X | Right 'b'6- buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp "Wait" "Water Hallway" buttonUp buttonUp Water Hallway "Mouse Hole" buttonUp buttonUp Mouse Hole Bottle 1 NONE "Bottle 1" "Pile 1" FALSE buttonUp buttonUp Bottle 1 Pile 1 Bottle 2 NONE "Bottle 2" "Pile 2" FALSE buttonUp buttonUp Bottle 2 Pile 2 Bottle 3 NONE "Bottle 3" "Pile 3" FALSE buttonUp buttonUp Bottle 3 Pile 3 Bottle 4 NONE "Bottle 4" "Pile 4" FALSE buttonUp buttonUp Bottle 4 Pile 4 Bottle 5 NONE "Bottle 5" "Pile 5" "Key 1" FALSE buttonUp buttonUp Bottle 5 Pile 5 Key 1 Bottle 6 NONE "Bottle 6" "Pile 6" FALSE buttonUp buttonUp Bottle 6 Pile 6 NONE "Wait" "Key Hole" buttonUp buttonUp Key Hole Key 2 Pile 1 NONE "Bottle 1" "Pile 1" FALSE buttonUp buttonUp Bottle 1 Pile 1 Pile 2 NONE "Bottle 2" "Pile 2" FALSE buttonUp buttonUp Bottle 2 Pile 2 Pile 3 NONE "Bottle 3" "Pile 3" FALSE buttonUp buttonUp Bottle 3 Pile 3 Pile 4 NONE "Bottle 4" "Pile 4" FALSE buttonUp buttonUp Bottle 4 Pile 4 Pile 5 NONE "Bottle 5" "Pile 5" "Key 1" FALSE buttonUp buttonUp Bottle 5 Pile 5 Key 1 Key 1 NONE "Wait" "Key 1" FALSE "Door" buttonUp buttonUp Key 1 Key 2 Key 2 Pile 6 NONE "Bottle 6" "Pile 6" FALSE buttonUp buttonUp Bottle 6 Pile 6 Right Wall 4FanSwitch "Wait" "SwitchUp" "SwitchDown" "Bottle 1" "Pile 1" "Key 1" "Door" FALSE "OFF" "Author" HintForThisPage "Look a key." 4BladePos "ON" - = "1" = "2" = "3" 4StartTime "Reader" >1800 "The Sands Of 1 have out...Please visit "Title }location <1000 sysSuspendMessages "Genie Room" HintForThisPage enterPage buttonUp enterPage SwitchUp SwitchDown Bottle 1 Bottle 2 Bottle 3 Bottle 4 Bottle 5 Bottle 6 Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Key 1 Key 2 Author FanSwitch HintForThisPage Look for a key. Reader The Sands Of Time have run out...Please visit again. Title Page StartTime FanSwitch BladePos buttonUp Genie Room location NONE 4FanSwitch "OFF" "Wait" "SwitchDown" "SwitchUp" FALSE buttonUp buttonUp SwitchDown SwitchUp SwitchDown SwitchUp FanSwitch SwitchDown SwitchUp Bottle Neck Key Hole Sand Room "Wait" "Mouse Hole" buttonUp buttonUp Mouse Hole Mouse "Word Balloon" FALSE "Words 1" buttonUp buttonUp Word Balloon Word Balloon Word Balloon Word Balloon Words 1 Words 2 Snapper 1 Snapper 2 Cheese NONE "Snapper 1" TRUE "Wait" FALSE "Word Balloon" "Words 1" "Sand Room" buttonUp buttonUp Snapper 1 Snapper 1 Snapper 2 Word Balloon Word Balloon Words 1 Words 2 Sand Room Word Balloon Words 1 I'm hungry! Help me get the cheese and I'll show you a secret room. Choose the door with a lady and you win. Find the tiger and you loose! Words 2 Thank you! Now follow me! se and I'll show you a secret room. Choose the door with a lady and you win. Find the tiger and you loose! Mouse House "Wait" "Word Balloon" "Snapper 1" "Author" HintForThisPage "Try some cheese. The trap can't hurt you." TRUE 4StartTime "Reader" >1800 qSands Of / have out...Please visit "Title terPage HintForThisPage enterPage enterPage Word Balloon Snapper 1 Snapper 2 Author HintForThisPage Try some cheese. The trap can't hurt you. Reader The Sands Of Time have run out...Please visit again. Title Page StartTime Alladin's Head NONE "Wait" "Alladin's Head" buttonUp buttonUp Alladin's Head :PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwx wwwww wwwwwwwwwx wwwwwwwxw wwwwwwwwwx wwwwwwwxw wwwwww wwwwx wxwwxwx ??????? wxwwxwx wwwww ?????????? ?????8 x????????????8 wwwwww ???????????8 ????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? wwwwwx 8???8 ??????????????????????????? ?????8 ????8 ??????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? wwwwx ????????8????????????????????????????????w ????????8 ???????????????????????????????? wwwwx wwwwx ??????????? ??????? ???????????????????????8 wwwwwwwww ????????? wwwwww wwwwwwwwwwx ??????????????8 wwwwwwwp wwwwwwwww ???????? wwwwwwwp wwwwwwwww ???????????????8 wwwwwwwww ???????? wwwwwwwwxwwwwww ????????????????????? wwwwwwwwxwwwwww ???????? wwwwwwwwwwwwwww ???????????????????? wwwwwwww ???????8 wwwwwwww ????????????8?????????? wwwwwww ?????????8 wwwww ??????????????????????????????????? wwwww ?????????? wwwwx ??????????????????????????8 ???????????8ww ????8 ??????????????????????? 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Reader The Sands Of Time have run out...Please visit again. Title Page StartTime buttonUp Right Wall location Sand Room "Wait" "Extra Sand" "Author" }location <600 "Mouse House" HintForThisPage "Maybe you can some sand the clock." TRUE 4StartTime "Reader" >1800 "The Sands Of 1 have out...Please visit "Title Remaining (1800- %"##" (&" minutes "Clock" buttonUp enterPage HintForThisPage enterPage Extra Sand Author buttonUp Mouse House location HintForThisPage Maybe you can add some sand to the clock. Reader The Sands Of Time have run out...Please visit again. Title Page minutes left Clock Remaining StartTime NONE "Wait" "Extra Sand" 4StartTime buttonUp buttonUp Extra Sand StartTime Mouse "Wait" "Word Balloon" buttonUp buttonUp Word Balloon Word Balloon Extra Sand Clock 30 minutes left Word Balloon Words 1 You'd better hurry!! THE SANDS OF TIME Dedication "Wait" eAboutthisbook eCopyright eDedication eAbouttheauthor eHintforthispage "Author" "You don't need a hint terPage enterPage Hintforthispage enterPage Author Hintforthispage Abouttheauthor Dedication Copyright Aboutthisbook Hintforthispage You don't need a hint for this page :PHYSSIZE 1111111; 11111 11111111 01111111 11111 11110 11111111 11111111111111 11111111; 1111111 1111111111100 11111111111101 11111111111111111111 11110 11111 11111111111 11111111111111 11111111111111111111 0111111 11111111110 11111 01111111100 11111111111 111111111111; 11111111 11101 11111 1111111111111; 1111111 1111; 11111111 11100 1111111 111111 1111>> 11100 111111 11111 1111111 11111111111 11111 11111 11111 1111; 11111 11111 01111 11111 111111 Dedicationnoticee The Bottle is dedicated to my wife, Joni, a famous movie star. Additional thanks go to our two sons, Kirk and Clark. Thanks also to Elwood P. Dowd and his friend. - Duane Cowgilleling half as much entertained. - Duane Cowgill 4LastPage "Wait" eAboutthisbook eCopyright eDedication eAbouttheauthor eHintforthispage sysSuspendMessages FALSE buttonUp buttonUp Dedication Hintforthispage Abouttheauthor Dedication Copyright Aboutthisbook LastPage Continue Joni Cowgill, Author's wife NewBook }location "Wait" sysSuspendMessages "Left Wall" FALSE >7600 "Right buttonUp buttonUp Left Wall Right Wall location Escher Room "Wait" "Escher Room" "Cave Exit" FALSE buttonUp buttonUp Escher Room Cave Exit Cave Exit "Wait" "Cave Exit" "Title Page" FALSE buttonUp buttonUp Cave Exit Title Page Y e"s Wave 1 Wave 2 Title Page "Wait" "Title Page" "Escher Room" FALSE buttonUp buttonUp Title Page Escher Room Y e"s Water 5 Water 4 Bottle Opening Bottle Top ~ $ $ 3 Bottle Left Highlight Water 3b Water 3a Water 2 Water 1 "Wait" "Title Page" "Escher Room" "Cave Exit" FALSE buttonUp buttonUp Title Page Escher Room Cave Exit Zzzzzzzzz TitlePage Title Page AbouttheAuthor "Wait" eAboutthisbook eCopyright eDedication eAbouttheauthor eHintforthispage "Eyes" "Author" (90)=1 "Click on terPage enterPage Hintforthispage enterPage Author Abouttheauthor Dedication Copyright Aboutthisbook Hintforthispage Click on the Author the Author About the Author Duane Cowgill is a product manager for a major computer systems manufacturer and a part-time shareware author. An avid swimmer, he is shown here just prior to being resuced from the shallow end of the pool. is one-year-old son, Clark. 4LastPage "Wait" eAboutthisbook eCopyright eDedication eAbouttheauthor eHintforthispage sysSuspendMessages FALSE "AbouttheAuthor" buttonUp buttonUp AbouttheAuthor Hintforthispage Abouttheauthor Dedication Copyright Aboutthisbook LastPage Continue "Eyes" FALSE buttonUp buttonUp :PHYSSIZE Dedication AboutThisBook "Wait" eAboutthisbook eCopyright eDedication eAbouttheauthor eHintforthispage "Author" "You don't need a hint terPage enterPage Hintforthispage enterPage Author Hintforthispage Abouttheauthor Dedication Copyright Aboutthisbook Hintforthispage You don't need a hint for this page \+\+\+\+\+\+ About This Bookkk The Bottle is a work-in-progress written using Asymetrix ToolBook. This program is the first installment, or "chapter" of The Bottle.. Subsequent chapters may follow if demand warrants. Let me know what you think. You are granted the right to use and distribute this program only so long as you make no chages to this program and do not charge for other than media, handling, and shipping. Copyright 1990, Duane Cowgill. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED....pters may. - Duane Cowgill 4LastPage "Wait" eAboutthisbook eCopyright eDedication eAbouttheauthor eHintforthispage sysSuspendMessages FALSE "AboutThisBook" buttonUp buttonUp AboutThisBook Hintforthispage Abouttheauthor Dedication Copyright Aboutthisbook LastPage Continue Hareware Requirements CPU: 80386, 20Mhz or faster Display: VGA or better Mouse required Usage Click on interesting story elements, wait for a response. Patience is required on slower computers. Avoid multiple mouse clicks. Chapter 1 Version 1.00.04 Genie Room "Wait" "Word Balloon" "Wall" "Bubbles" "Eyelids" "Escher Room" "Cave Exit" FALSE "Author" exitPage HintForThisPage "Don't ignore the genie's dreams." 4StartTime "Reader" >1800 "The Sands Of 1 have out...Please visit "Title exitPage enterPage HintForThisPage enterPage Word Balloon Bubbles Eyelids Escher Room Cave Exit Author exitPage HintForThisPage Don't ignore the genie's dreams. Reader The Sands Of Time have run out...Please visit again. Title Page StartTime *pZP[ Bottle Opening Bottle "Bottle" buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp Bottle Bottle Opening Bottle "Bottle" buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp Bottle j$ X Bottle Opening Bottle "Bottle" buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp Bottle 4400 M,3800+ (280) ->4400 P,3800+ (400) boat H60,0 "Boat" xx > 5450 xx,yy 4StartTime "Reader" >1800 "The Sands Of 1 have out...Please visit "Title Page" HintForThisPage \beach looks familiar." terPage enterPage HintForThisPage enterPage Author Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Reader The Sands Of Time have run out...Please visit again. Title Page StartTime HintForThisPage The beach looks familiar. Exit Cave Mouse House `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| direction $"$Right `D|D| The Bottle Bottle System `D|D| System !8#t" c"Text" c"Page" c"Help" c"Pockets" c"Map" c"Hint" c"About" "Copyright" "Dedication" "Jacket" "Author" exitBook "Are you sure want quit?" fYes , copyright 1990 HDuane Cowgill" f"Continue" comeHere Person, PgNo ZmouseX,mouseY,tlX,tlY,brX,brY,FootX,FootY,vX,vY Zstrt,fnsh,incr,hght,wdth,stepX,stepY -- locate cursor -- Find foot path m"Path" Xwhich way Spointing odirection "Forward" "Left" "Right" Unknown -- decide travel FALSE -- walk the ((vX> >0)) ((vX< <0)) 0)) >vX) <0)) -- interpolate final Y value <>vX) )*(vY- )/(vX- adjust interpolatedY -- Corwin S. Low DoFlip objectIn ZnewVert,oldVert,i,pair,newpair,x,y x(objectIs( 9,"Group") I,"Multiple Selection")) m)/2 (i*2-1) (i*2) (i*2-1) (i*2) normalP( y-2*(y- x-2*(x- fObjID, fObjType location 4bridge_slope,bridge_intersect,isVertical,holdX,holdY Zx,y,new_slope,new_intersect,x0,y0 -- calculate original <> 0 newBridge fBridge bridge_vertices x2 = x1 (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) reader exitBook Copyright enterBook comeHere DoFlip author newBridge objectIs normalP enterBook The Bottle Pockets About Copyright About Dedication About Jacket About Author About sizeToPage exitBook Are you sure you want to quit? author reader enterBook Copyright The Bottle, copyright 1990 by Duane Cowgill Continue comeHere direction Forward direction direction Right direction direction Forward direction direction Unknown direction Right direction Forward direction Right direction Unknown direction Unknown stepX stepY mouseX mouseY FootX FootY Person DoFlip Group objectIs Multiple Selection objectIs normalP newVert oldVert newpair objectIn objectIs fObjType fObjID normalP new_slope new_intersect bridge_slope bridge_intersect isVertical holdX holdY location newBridge bridge_vertices bridge_slope bridge_intersect isVertical holdX holdY fBridge System $ript `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| !s Rmn `D|D| @!\ ript `D|D| ript `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| !s Rmn `D|D| `D|D| Tms Rmn `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| 0 t! #`"8# 0 t! 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Low DoFlip objectIn ZnewVert,oldVert,i,pair,newpair,x,y x(objectIs( 9,"Group") I,"Multiple Selection")) m)/2 (i*2-1) (i*2) (i*2-1) (i*2) normalP( y-2*(y- x-2*(x- fObjID, fObjType location 4bridge_slope,bridge_intersect,isVertical,holdX,holdY Zx,y,new_slope,new_intersect,x0,y0 -- calculate original <> 0 newBridge fBridge bridge_vertices x2 = x1 (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) AbouttheAuthor Copyright leaveBook Dedication AboutthisBook author RandomPage enterBook comeHere DoFlip reader newBridge objectIs normalP enterBook seconds The Bottle Controls Information Controls Open... Controls Controls Save Story Controls Controls Controls Author Controls About this book Information Copyright Information Dedication Information About the Author Information Information Hint for this page Information sizeToPage leaveBook Are you sure you want to quit? Are you sure you want to quit? Are you sure you want to quit? author reader enterBook AbouttheAuthor Dedication Copyright AbouttheAuthor AbouttheAuthor LastPage Copyright Dedication Copyright AbouttheAuthor Copyright LastPage Dedication Dedication Copyright AbouttheAuthor Dedication LastPage AboutthisBook AboutThisBook LastPage RandomPage Genie Room Mouse Hole Right Wall Exit Cave Escher Room Water Hallway Title Page Index comeHere direction Forward direction direction Right direction direction Forward direction direction Unknown direction Right direction Forward direction Right direction Unknown direction Unknown stepX stepY mouseX mouseY FootX FootY Person DoFlip Group objectIs Multiple Selection objectIs normalP newVert oldVert newpair objectIn objectIs fObjType fObjID normalP new_slope new_intersect bridge_slope bridge_intersect isVertical holdX holdY location newBridge bridge_vertices bridge_slope bridge_intersect isVertical holdX holdY fBridge Tms Rmn `D|D| 4StartTime k32767 FALSE "The Bottle" c"File" c"Edit" c"Text" c"Page" c"Help" c"Controls" c"Information" "New" "Open..." "Quit" "Author/ "About "Copyright" "Dedication" Othe "Sands Of "Hint "Reader" SandsOfTime Remaining (1800- %"##" "You have only "& 7&" minutes 4you must leave 4PassWrdFlag "Are Usure \want quit?" fYes saveAs authoredit "Please enter gain access level:" "oAJfzKoq" authorOK AbouttheAuthor 4LastPage "Wait" AboutthisBook "AboutThisBook" RandomPage Index "Genie Room" "Mouse Hole" "Right Wall" "Exit Cave" "Escher "Water Hallway" sysSuspendMessages "Title "Left Window" comeHere Person, PgNo ZmouseX,mouseY,tlX,tlY,brX,brY,FootX,FootY,vX,vY Zstrt,fnsh,incr,hght,wdth,stepX,stepY -- locate cursor -- Find foot path m"Path" Xwhich way Spointing odirection "Forward" Unknown -- decide travel -- walk ((vX> >0)) ((vX< <0)) 0)) >vX) <0)) -- interpolate final Y value <>vX) )*(vY- )/(vX- adjust interpolatedY -- Corwin S. Low DoFlip objectIn ZnewVert,oldVert,i,pair,newpair,x,y x(objectIs( 9,"Group") I,"Multiple Selection")) m)/2 (i*2-1) (i*2) (i*2-1) (i*2) normalP( y-2*(y- x-2*(x- fObjID, fObjType location 4bridge_slope,bridge_intersect,isVertical,holdX,holdY Zx,y,new_slope,new_intersect,x0,y0 -- calculate original <> 0 newBridge fBridge bridge_vertices x2 = x1 (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) authoredit enterBook authorOK reader AbouttheAuthor SandsOfTime Copyright Dedication AboutthisBook RandomPage leaveBook comeHere DoFlip saveAs newBridge objectIs normalP sizeToPage enterBook seconds The Bottle Controls Information Controls Open... Controls Controls Controls Controls Author/Edit Controls About this book Information Copyright Information Dedication Information About the Author Information Information Sands Of Time Information Information Hint for this page Information Sands Of Time sizeToPage Reader StartTime SandsOfTime You have only minutes before you must leave the Bottle Remaining StartTime leaveBook PassWrdFlag Are you sure you want to quit? Are you sure you want to quit? Are you sure you want to quit? PassWrdFlag saveAs PassWrdFlag authoredit Please enter the password to gain access to the Author level: oAJfzKoq xauthorOK xauthorOK PassWrdFlag authorOK Author PassWrdFlag reader enterBook AbouttheAuthor Dedication Copyright AbouttheAuthor AbouttheAuthor LastPage Copyright Dedication Copyright AbouttheAuthor Copyright LastPage Dedication Dedication Copyright AbouttheAuthor Dedication LastPage AboutthisBook AboutThisBook LastPage RandomPage Genie Room Mouse Hole Right Wall Exit Cave Escher Room Water Hallway Title Page Left Wall Genie Window Mouse House Sand Room Index comeHere direction Forward direction direction Right direction direction Forward direction direction Unknown direction Right direction Forward direction Right direction Unknown direction Unknown stepX stepY mouseX mouseY FootX FootY Person DoFlip Group objectIs Multiple Selection objectIs normalP newVert oldVert newpair objectIn objectIs fObjType fObjID normalP new_slope new_intersect bridge_slope bridge_intersect isVertical holdX holdY location newBridge bridge_vertices bridge_slope bridge_intersect isVertical holdX holdY fBridge Script `D|D| GITAL `D|D| Water Hallway "Wait" "Author" HintForThisPage "Double click nthe waterState water2 water1 water3 4StartTime "Reader" >1800 "The Sands Of 1 have out...Please visit "Title }location <300 "Right Wall" comeHere Alladin, ForThisPage enterPage buttonUp HintForThisPage buttonDoubleClick enterPage Author HintForThisPage Double click to move the character. waterState waterState waterState waterState waterState waterState waterState Reader The Sands Of Time have run out...Please visit again. 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Alladin Right Genie Window "Wait" "Author" }location sysSuspendMessages "Genie Room" FALSE 4StartTime "Reader" >1800 "The Sands Of 1 have out...Please visit "Title Page" Hintforthispage "Its just a nice view." buttonUp enterPage Hintforthispage enterPage Author buttonUp Genie Room location Reader The Sands Of Time have run out...Please visit again. Title Page StartTime Hintforthispage Its just a nice view. u h o `"+ 5 u 8#+ }location "The bars prevent you going out the buttonUp buttonUp The bars prevent you from going out the window. location Genie Window Mouse Hole "Wait" "Author" HintForThisPage "There's nobody but us mice." TRUE 4StartTime "Reader" >1800 w Sands Of 0 have out...Please visit "Title terPage HintForThisPage enterPage enterPage Author HintForThisPage There's nobody here but us mice. Reader The Sands Of Time have run out...Please visit again. Title Page StartTime Mouse Hole Left Wall Bottle Neck "Author" enterPage enterPage Author Y e"s Wave 1 Wave 2 }location <1000 "Wait" sysSuspendMessages "Escher Room" FALSE >7800 "Sand buttonUp buttonUp Escher Room Sand Room location "Wait" sysSuspendMessages "Title Page" FALSE buttonUp buttonUp Title Page Copyright "Wait" eAboutthisbook eCopyright eDedication eAbouttheauthor eHintforthispage "Author" "You don't need a hint terPage enterPage Hintforthispage enterPage Author Hintforthispage Abouttheauthor Dedication Copyright Aboutthisbook Hintforthispage You don't need a hint for this page Copyright Noticee the Bottle Copyright (C) 1990 Duane W. Cowgill Interactive Stories 18519 Marimba St. Rowland Heights, CA 91748 wn here just prior to being resuced from the shallow end of the pool by his one-year-old son, Clark. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Except that this work may be freely distributed in its entirety and used without charge. No permision is granted to modify this work in any way. The reader is requested to fund further story development by making a cash donation to the author. 4LastPage "Wait" eAboutthisbook eCopyright eDedication eAbouttheauthor eHintforthispage sysSuspendMessages FALSE buttonUp buttonUp Copyright Hintforthispage Abouttheauthor Dedication Copyright Aboutthisbook LastPage Continue WaterHallway Bottle CloseUp Water Hallway Copyright B